Where should I consider applying?

<h1>1 in class of 700 at public school</h1>

<p>5.5 GPA, 3.99 UW (estimating)
14 AP classes, 3 dual enrollment
Almost all A's
1420/2100 SAT
780 US History SAT II, taking more later (projected to be in 700s as well)
Female, Asian</p>

<p>Some leadership positions, academic awards, 500 service hrs by the time I'm ready to apply</p>

<p>Interest in medicine</p>

<p>Where do you think I should apply? Please indicate whether it's a reach, fit, or safety</p>

<p>So far my list is just UF (I live in FL) and Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>what major/future are you looking into? with your stats, you have lots of options :)</p>

<p>what are your breakdowns for the sat I?</p>

<p>in general, with those stats you have the potential to get in almost anywhere…granted at top schools, the sat will be low.</p>

<p>Obviously, you have great stats (I guess the SAT could be higher, but it’s still a good score), but what type of school are you looking for? I mean, UF and Johns Hopkins are pretty different, so it’s difficult for anyone to give you too good of suggestions.</p>

<p>I’m looking to be a physician
710 CR 700 Math 690 Writing</p>

<p>That’s the problem, I’m not sure what kind of school I’m looking for. Basically anything with a strong pre-med program and the best I can get into.</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>Gangsta_ash, Northeastern University has a very competitive and well regarded 6 year PT program. You should check it out. Good luck!</p>

<p>Well, WashU, MIT, and really many of the top schools have great pre-med programs, but really you need to go to a school where you can have a great GPA. Sure, med schools do give a student from MIT with a 3.7 a small preference over a student from Podunk U with a 3.7, but MIT is much more challenging and getting a good GPA is very difficult. However, that same med school would rarely take an MIT grad with a 3.2 over that same Podunk U student with a 3.7. Also, this preference can be easily made up for with excellent EC’s which are a must for med schools.</p>

<p>If you are going for pre-med, then I would say go to an easier school where you can excell. Since more than half of all med school applicants get rejected from every school they apply to, you should look for schools that have high med school admissions rates.</p>

<p>Check out the pre-med forum if you want some good suggestions.</p>

<p>you need a little bit more info, like GPA and ECs and stuff. like pramierz said, we can list school after school, but some may be too high of reaches. </p>

<p>in general, top schools are good for pre-med students. esppp duke, penn, harvard (okay obviously lol), princeton (despite the grade deflation), and stanford.</p>

<p>Have yyou tried the ACT?</p>

<p>Looks like you’ve selected two great schools for your potential major. Would you need financial aid, scholarships etc…? If so you may not want to look at too many out of state universities given the cost ( especially knowing many Florida schools can be in the range of 3-5,000… not including room and board). Saving money could help for graduate school out of state, in case you don’t get scholarships to help. Though there are many top universities out of state that you can attend as a out of state university with help of finances.
Most schools I would recommand you can basically find off of USNEWS ranking for medicine.</p>

<p>Another thing you may want to consider is that you will very likely be going to med school in FL. Public med schools give very heavy preference to students that are coiming from in-state. Now you don’t really have to worry about that if you choose a private med school, but the cost of attending will be substatially higher. Choosing a school for undergrad that is more affordable can be a wise move so that you can afford to attend med school and not have $150-200k worth of debt.</p>

<p>I don’t get much of your stats, there’s a total SAT score of 2100? and how come your GPA weighted is 5.0? I thought 5.0 was the maximum :-/ ?</p>

<p>How far are you willing to travel? Which Ivy appeals to you most?</p>

<p>my family is upper middle class so i dont think i’ll get any financial aid, that’s y i was considering UF. UF also will give me 100% bright futures scholarship (100% tuition paid)</p>

<p>the 1420 is out of 1600, the 2100 is out of 2400. weighted GPA has no limits.</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill would probably also appeal to you; their premed programs are pretty strong and they are very generous as far as financial aid/scholarships go.</p>

<p>You could also take a look at Duke, Vandy, and Georgetown. Expensive schools, but it doesn’t hurt to apply and you never know how much money you’ll get from them.</p>