<p>Well, I received the OFFICIAL FAT LETTER (acceptance letter) today from Carnegie Mellon. I got into CIT and Tepper. I received my letter from MIT last Monday. According to my stats I am a very very very lucky person....MIT is my dream school, but everyone is telling me that I can get rich quicker with a degree from CMU....oh. I also have feeling I got into Northwestern.</p>
<p>I want to major in Materials Science and Engineering....MSE ranks: MIT #1,
Northwestern # 2, CMU # 10....I believe</p>
<p>But I also want to dabble in business....Tepper is where I want to be if I want to make money right after college....But I love science....I didn't apply to SLOAN @ MIT....</p>
<p>If you want to double major or mix your majors around, I would pick CMU just because you got into both CIT and Tepper.
You really can't go wrong with either school. MIT is definitely more tech-heavy and even Sloan is concentrated in technical business instead of the usual applied business (Ibanking, Consulting, etc.).</p>
<p>If you care a lot more about business and about dabbling in other majors (along with a tech/science background), go to CMU. If not, go to MIT.</p>
Not much difference academically b/w schools. I happen to personally believe that the Carnegie name is better known in other circles- Carnegie Endowment, Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Libraries, etc. Mellon also has a reputation: Metropolitan Meuseum (NYC), Mellon Bank. A very large amount of America's wealth and knowledge is derived from Carnegie and associates of Carnegie. Hope that the future students of this school will carry the tradition forward. There is also a connection between Carnegie and MIT.</p>
<p>There are other reasons for not a particular school. Housing availability and housing cost are good examples. Access to transportation is another.</p>
<p>The motive here should not be money because both schools would place you well above the average graduating college student financially and in job opportunities.</p>
<p>If you truly want a solid business program (not just tech business) to go along with your science/tech major, then go to CMU.
MIT would probably be better for a mostly science/tech oriented career.
However if you are doing computer science, both schools are just about equal</p>