Hi, i am currently in my second year of computer engineering and recently decided that i want to change majors. The problem is, i have no idea which major i should transfer to. All i know about my interests is that i love nature and could love having a job involving nature, so i looked into biology, but then again, i am encountered by a ton of chemistry classes which i am pretty bad at ( i took chemistry 1). I feel that i am stuck with one option (business major) which i really have no interest in. If anyone could help me out i would really appreciate it, since i feel so lost in life .
Thank you.
It might help if you also tell us a little more about your strengths and interests. For example, why have you decided you don’t want to do computer engineering? Do you still like math, and/or are you good at math? What kind of work excites you, and what kind of work bores you?