<p>Where should i go for business?</p>
<p>Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, UCSB</p>
<p>Also, what is the difference between a major and a concentration. Which is better?</p>
<p>Where should i go for business?</p>
<p>Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, UCSB</p>
<p>Also, what is the difference between a major and a concentration. Which is better?</p>
<p>major = concentration (in most cases). Sometimes you can be an accounting major concentrating in finance.</p>
<p>As I've posted on here before, UCSB has no undergraduate business school. You can get a minor in Accounting, but that's it. (Most going there would take an Economics major with the Accounting minor). </p>
<p>Both Cal Poly SLO and SDSU do have business programs.</p>
<p>I knew UCSB didn't have a business program, just wanted to through it out there. Which of the the two that have a business program would be better? I want to try to get a double major or concentration in Accounting and Finance i have most of my GE done (Ap Classes). So which is better SDSU or Cal Poly? im leaning toward Cal Poly</p>
<p>I would suggest Cal Poly--although the program will be tougher, in my view. I know people who went to both schools, and consider those with the Cal Poly degrees to have gotten the slightly better business education.</p>
<p>Obviously, I'm speaking from a very limited sample--so don't take this as "gospel".</p>