Where Should I Look At?

<p>I'm currently a sophomore.
Last year I took English H, Algebra II H, World History H, Latin H, Biology H, Physical Science H, and band.
This year I am taking AP Chemistry, US History H, English H, Latin II H, Pre-Calc H, and band.
Next year I plan on taking AP English Comp, AP Calculus, AP Physics, Sociology, Latin III H, and band.
Senior year I plan on taking AP Enlish Lit, AP Stats, AP US Gov/Politics, AP Psychology, Latin IV H, photography, and band.</p>

<p>I've already taken the SAT twice, freshman year I got an 1840 with lots of room for improvement.
I plan on taking the subject tests for Chemistry and Math Level II.</p>

<p>Extra curricular activities include math team, photography club, lithuanian scouts, lithuanian folk dance, alter serving, religious education teaching (volenteering next year), marching band, varsity tennis team,and my town's USTA summer and winter tennis team.</p>

<p>My GPA last quarter was 4.47 and is most likely around 4.5 right now.</p>

<p>SO- what colleges do you think I should be looking at? Would I even have a chance at the best (such as Ivy league)?</p>