<p>Other than Craigslist, is there somewhere on campus or on the UCLA website where my receptionist can list a room in her apartment for rent to a student?</p>
<p>The Daily Bruin?</p>
<p>[The</a> Daily Bruin - Order a Classified Online](<a href=“The - Daily Bruin”>http://www.dailybruin.com/advertising/classifieds/order/)</p>
<p>facebook marketplace</p>
<p>ackermann has a board on the a-level with search for roommates/places to stay - you could ask the customer service window near the elevators to see what the requirements are to list it up</p>
<p>Thanks, that helps!</p>
<p>You can also advertise on the [UCLA</a> Community Housing Office](<a href=“http://www.cho.ucla.edu/]UCLA”>http://www.cho.ucla.edu/) online database. It costs money to advertise a listing though, unless you are already a UCLA student who is looking for another roommate.</p>
<p>spoon that’s excellent, thanks so much!</p>
<p>i second facebook marketplace…great place to look for apartments now.</p>