<p>White American male</p>
<p>GPA (unweighted) - 4.0
GPA (weighted) - 4.19
Class Rank - Valedictorian, Class size 260
ACT - 35
Previous AP's - AP Stats (5), AP Bio (5), AP Euro (3), AP Gov (4)
Senior Year Schedule - AP Calc, AP Lit, AP Spanish, AP Physics, AP US History</p>
<p>Extracurriculars - Basketball and track freshman and sophomore year; football freshman through senior year. Class Council President sophomore through senior year. Ecology Club member sophomore through senior year. NHS VP junior and senior year.</p>
<p>Volunteering - volunteered at various organizations, including the football and basketball youth program and local retirement home for a total of about 60 hours.</p>
<p>Work experience - baseball umpire my freshman through senior year (summers)</p>
<p>I am interested in business, possibly international business. Here is my current list of where I am applying:
Ohio State
Miami University of Ohio
UPenn (Wharton)
Georgetown (SFS)</p>
<p>Any other suggestions of where I should apply? Thanks!</p>