Where to apply...

<p>Hi there. I'm a white female from upstate NY and Iiiii would like to know where I should apply to college. (Is this in the right section? If not feel free to move it.) I am a rising senior. So. Basically. English major, for now. If I magically get my calling in some area, since I don't really know what I want to do, I'd change it. I really like working with kids, so maybe education? I dunno.</p>


<p>GPA - I'm not really sure. Freshman/sophomore year it was around 3.2 (ack!), but I should've raised it at least some. I got two A's, and the rest B's (one B+, if that makes a difference). My school is also consistently ranked as one of the best in the country and is known for being really difficult, so they should take that into consideration.</p>

<p>SAT - 560 CR, 580 M, 620 W. I didn't study. I plan on studying lots and retaking it. Maybe I'll get a tutor. I'unno. But that should go up. It was 1760 total.</p>

<p>APs/honors/classes - I took two APs this year, two more next year. Got a five on both, U.S. history and English. I also got an A in history. I've been in honors classes for French, history, and french again. We'd tried honors math but that didn't go well. I've taken a language for many years, two this year (French + Latin). I shall take two more next year, probably. I've taken lots of classes and shall far exceed the number of credits required. But. Problem. I'm not taking Physics because Physics is a poopface. I'm doubling up on English instead. I've also done really well on the regents I've taken, so, yanno. Yeah.</p>

<p>Awards - I won this writing award sophomore year. I wrote a poem and it got published. I also got an award on our school's morning show for this club I'm involved in. I plan on entering more writing contests.</p>

<p>ECs - I've been on my school's literary magazine since Sophomore year. I was in French club this year. I was in choir Freshman year, though I doubt that matters. I've also done a lot of babysitting/petsitting. Do they look at this stuff? It looks responsible! ...right? Also, I was involved in a club called TIES. We work with mentally challenged kids. All volunteer work. I've done a crapload of stuff for them and should have 100+ hours. I've also taken horseback riding lessons. Trying to get a job. Oh, and my school has a gay club for gay kids/people who are all YAY GAY KIDS. I plan on joining that. </p>

<p>Teacher recs/essay - I am sure of one that would be excellent. The others should be at least very good. I'm quite a good writer so my essay should also be very good. I plan on having it revised by smart people lots and lots.</p>

<p>I want to go to school in the NYC area, but also plan on applying out of state. (Ohio schools?) Money is an issue. I need either cheapness or much financial aid. I want a good school for English. I'd like something... not too quirky, but not horrible preppy either. I'm not really a big party girl, so I don't want a party school. Something mid-size. Right now I plan on applying to SUNY Binghamton, some random, fitting CUNY school, perhaps Drew, perhaps Geneseo, some random liberal-ey school in Ohio. OH and really, really, really want to do travel abroad/humanitarian work. I may take a semester off and be crazy and go to Africa. I dunno. But if the school has a nice, affordable travel abroad program, 'twould be lovely. I really want to go to Africa. Not that that has anything to do with anything.</p>

<p>But I need to know where else to apply. I want a college town but I also want NY. I know both are not possible. I do not want to be more than a few hours from home. So if you got through all that jabbering and could recommend a college to me, I give you my eternal love. Really.</p>

<p>The very fact that you stated you need a cheap school and based on your stats, public schools seem to be your best bet. Maybe some of the SUNYs? You want the NY area but you are at a crossroads in terms of financial aid and to be blunt, abilities. I’d say maybe go for NYU, but your stats are a bit low. There is the City College too…</p>

<p>I was going to apply to the SUNYs. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any specific schools that might be benefiting. I know I’m going to be a senior but do you have any specific idea of which “abilities” I could improve on?</p>

<p>I probably shouldn’t have used that word. I meant something more along the lines of your resume - it will limit to which schools you apply coupled with the cost issue. But if you can raise your scores and write good essays, you will open up a few more doors. I’m not an expert on NYC colleges but there is also Queens College.</p>

<p>SUNY Bing will be a reach (it’s very competitive to get in there). You won’t get any $ at an OH school. New Paltz is good for English and education and you can get to the city (a few hours). Definitely look at the CUNYs (but remember the additional costs of living IN the city).</p>

<p>Will you qualify for need based aid? If so, you could look at Hartwick College in Oneonta. You would probably get some merit aid as well, but it probably would not be enough if you didn’t also get need based. They have a very active Jan. term for study abroad. Check out the link [Hartwick</a> - J Term 2011 Programs](<a href=“http://www.hartwick.edu/x22883.xml]Hartwick”>http://www.hartwick.edu/x22883.xml) They say they also offer scholarships for that which you could investigate.</p>

<p>I’m not sure Drew would be affordable for you if they do not include need based aid.</p>

<p>CUNYs are pretty affordable, especially since I live in state, so I should be able to cover the cost of living with the money I’m saving. I mean, it’s not like we’re dirt poor, lol, I’ll just need scholarships/quite a bit of aid if I go to a private school. I do plan on applying to a couple, just to see what they offer and stuff.</p>

<p>Sounds like SUNY New Paltz would be a really good choice for you…very strong on English and Education. Has the college town, in NY and about 90 minutes to NYC. Just try and get your stats up a little…it’s gotten very competitive to get in.</p>

<p>drew fits your criteria. it’s a beautiful LAC, forty-five minutes away from nyc. not just one type of kid is attracted to drew. much more diverse than other LAC’s in the area. the english program is stellar. i have had the opportunity to introduce a major poet when he came to read and have dinner with him. i even got to perform my poetry at a nyc venue with some distinguished poets. all due in part to the staff of the english dept. lots of personal attention, small class sizes. </p>

<p>i also second new paltz, purchase, and geneseo. wagner college in staten island? manhattanville?</p>

<p>Wait… this is probably a dumb question, but what’s the difference between between need based aid and merit aid? I’m assuming I’ll get some aid just based on our finances and all that stuff, but… yeah.</p>

<p>Need based aid is granted to those with lower incomes who can’t afford full tuition. Merit aid is given based off academic performance.</p>

<p>Ohh ok. And thank you for all your input! I looked into some of those schools and they sound like they’d be good.</p>