<p>My intended major is math.
I haven't applied to Harvard.
But I know Harvard's math department is amazing.</p>
<p>So I wonder where can I find what textbooks does Harvard use?</p>
<p>My intended major is math.
I haven't applied to Harvard.
But I know Harvard's math department is amazing.</p>
<p>So I wonder where can I find what textbooks does Harvard use?</p>
<p>Take a look at Harvard</a> Mathematics Department : 21, 23, 25, or 55?</p>
<p>The textbooks would be on the course websites - but depending on the professor, they might not be accessible to non-Harvard students. If there are a couple specific classes you're interested in, I could look up which text they use.</p>
<p>I was just at the Coop textbook section on Friday. The math curriculum is currently being restructured, as I learned that morning on a Brand X online forum. This year's Math 25 has a book list that looks like the Math 55 course of a few years ago. This year's 55 includes complex analysis, and specifies the Ahlfors textbook </p>
<p>Amazon.com:</a> Complex Analysis: Lars Ahlfors: Books </p>
<p>as well as "little Rudin," </p>
<p>Amazon.com:</a> Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Edition: Walter Rudin: Books </p>
<p>both of which are classic textbooks.</p>