where to get textbooks

<p>I searched for some of the textbooks I'll need for next year and oh my god they are so expensive even in used condition!!! :O $250 package for chemistry that requires the 2011 edition?! what makes it more frustrating is that some classes like sociology requires textbooks published by the professors that totals up to over $150 -_- seriously I feel like they are only choosing that textbooks so that they can earn more money. this sucks. sorry for the rant.
what websites do you recommend to buy/rent used textbooks? any tips? thanks</p>

<p>Chegg is a rental site. I have used abebooks.com as well. Amazon and Barnes and Noble also sell books. If your books are new editions, you will not have as many options; rather you will not see a huge price difference. The new books all seem to be expensive.</p>

<p>I also always ask that instructor editions not be sent. They should not be being sold at all, but you can get into honor code violations with non-student editions. Good luck with the search.</p>

<p>I use dealoz.com. You put in the ISBN number and the site searches for the best prices.</p>

<p>I use amazon.com Amazon will tell you exactly what they will give you back at the end of the semster up front.</p>

<p>Look a few books up and you’ll see what I mean.</p>

<p>My son’s orgo book from last year.</p>

<p>Used Price$109.99
Buyback Price$101.35</p>

<p>Receive a $101.35 Amazon.com Gift Card for selling back this book. See other eligible items in our Book Trade-In Program. Restrictions Apply </p>

<p>Price after Buyback $8.64</p>

<p>Amazon is good. Put the ID number in their search.
First thing to do though is ask the professor if current edition of a book is absolutely required (many texts don’t change that much from year to year). You can get older editions MUCH cheaper.</p>

<p>Other good sites are [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.textbookhunting.com%5DTextBookHunting.com%5B/url”&gt;http://www.textbookhunting.com]TextBookHunting.com[/url</a>], [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.bookfinder.com%5DBookFinder.com%5B/url”&gt;http://www.bookfinder.com]BookFinder.com[/url</a>], and [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.gettextbooks.com%5DGetTextbooks.com%5B/url”&gt;http://www.gettextbooks.com]GetTextbooks.com[/url</a>].</p>

<p>We’ve had good luck with half.com. Search by the ISBN rather than the title/author, to avoid mistakenly buying the wrong edition.</p>

<p>in addition to the above recommendations, if you are sure youre taking a certain class and the textbook is not brand new, buying NOW is a good idea. its not uncommon to the prices of some textbooks double on sites like amazon between now and the end of september.</p>