Where to go from here? Seeking advice from skillfull ACT enthusiasts

Howdy College Confidential!
I’m here seeking advice on how others studied for the ACT and the improvement they saw in both a short term and long term setting. My Story: After switching from the SAT, I’ve registered to take the April 9th ACT w/o writing. My goal is a 27-30 and I currently have 2-3 weeks to prepare. I took a full Red ACT Book test today and did pretty “meh”. English- 23, Math-25, Reading-23, Science-24. I took the test at my High School under timed conditions with minus 5 minutes each section to emulate real day test conditions (nerves, second guessing, etc.). I feel I really was perplexed by a few things that ill list out by section.

English) Semicolon and colon usages- personally, I’m not very familiar with this grammatical usage as I’m not someone who writes compound-complex or complex sentences very often.

Math) I’m in AP: Calc so i’m confused as to why I struggled so much: My main problems were, geometry, coordinate geometry and a few inequality questions.

Reading) Timing was pretty difficult, however, comprehending was a ton easier than the SAT

Science: Felt very solid on, except ran out of time and was forced to guess on every comparing view point question so that’s probally why my science section was so low, despite being in AP: Chem.

Overall, i’m just looking for some tips on how to improve! I will continue to work my way through the real Act guide and hope to achieve my goal. Hopefully, you guys have some good tips and advice or personal stories for motivation XD