Where to go in early July that isn't hot and muggy

Sorry if this has been already recommended. Vancouver Island and Victoria BC fit the bill of not muggy or hot in early July. Wildfires and smoke could be a concern, but usually wildfire season does not start until late July/early August.


This thread has made me want to go back to Emerald Lake!


We stayed at downtown Banff for more food choices, then after Banff we went to Vancouver for a week.
We also booked to go white water rafting but cancelled the last minute because my husband didn’t feel well, so I’m tempted to go again soon.
I don’t know if Canada is open for tourism yet, but right now the exchange rate is great.


@1214mom your replay made me laugh because I read it as I am sitting in a hotel in Taos!

It is, but you need a covid test (not instant) to get in.

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Hoping things RE: Canada loosen up—have a Canadian Rockies trip scheduled for June. Would like to avoid the stress/hassle of COVID tests with “X” days of border crossing in either direction.

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My niece is married to a Canadian. They live in Washington State and his parents live in Vancouver. He said it is a little bit of a hassle but better than the year and a half they couldn’t go at all. He said they go about once a month to visit or for other reasons (dropped their pets off for a month while they were in Mexico, and then had to retrieve them), so it is doable, but that the self tests do not meet the requirements.

I think once they are there it’s not an issue.

Maine esp the islands, Nova Scotia, Quebec City, Montreal ( though that can be muggy). PEI ( Prince Edward Island).


Yes to PEI. Scotland is also a good bet.

But in a world where weather is driven by the climate crisis, can we really plan by looking in the rear view mirror for weather patterns? Who would have thought that the Pacific Northwest would have become a burning oven last summer? That had previously been one of the most reliably temperate places in the entire world.


We finally gave in and are having a heat pump installed in our bedroom so we can cool it. Maine seems to be having longer stretches of hot weather each summer and I get grumpy when I can’t sleep well.


Just for fun… the beach in Charlevoix MI last July vs now. :cold_face:


Did I already suggest northern New Hampshire?


To me, both are lovely.


I agree!!!

Over several decades I have been told by innkeepers in Maine that Southerners tend to complain the most about the summer heat in Maine since Southerners are accustomed to air conditioning.


Very true. Our family joke is that my relatives will come up the hottest week of the summer, no matter which week they plan!


Blue ice! Amazing! I’m in love with Northern Michigan in the winter.

Traverse City


Beautiful. :snowflake:

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