where to live?

<p>What are your recommendations on where a freshman should live?</p>

<p>I have heard really good things about the southeast side of campus. what reputation do those residence halls have? which halls on the southeast are the best for freshmen?</p>

<p>is it true that lakeshore has less of a social scene?</p>

<p>I have also heard about the statesider and towers, i think the private dorms. does anyone recommend living in these dorms? </p>

<p>I have never visited and want to make the best decision! please help me!</p>

<p>Southeast dorms are considered to be the classic freshman/party dorms and Lakeshore is usually perceived as the quieter, more "academic" neighborhood. Best Southeast dorms are Smith and Ogg if you want a newer building, Sellery and Witte if you're looking to party more.</p>

<p>My daughter is at a new private dorm called Lucky101 and loves it. We plan to have her brother live there in 2010 as well. Otherwise Ogg and Smith on the southeast side are the nicest (newest) dorms but it's a big random gamble picking housing. You never know where you'll end up.</p>

<p>i heard that ogg and smith house a lot of sophomores and juniors, well at least not mostly freshmen, is that true?</p>

<p>Each dorm (exceptions- one dorm each for all/no freshmen) has reserved 50% of its space for freshmen when returning students pick their rooms, the most popular dorms therefore are at least 50% freshmen. Since many students don't return, and those that do are mainly sophomores, the dorms are dominated by freshmen. Most students get one of their top picks, the gamble being in choosing the most popular dorms. Make your list of priorities and use it to decide between Lakeshore and Southeast, then amongst the dorms. All dorms have pros and cons, all have the same food service available and are otherwise equitable.</p>