Where to post summer college course on common app?

s24 is taking a summer college course at a university but it seems the only place to mention it is in the education section. However, there is no place to indicate the name of the course, the grade, number of college credits earned, or anything about the curriculum. All we can list is the name of the university and when the month in which the course began and ended. Seems like a lot of important detail can unfortunately not be included. We will get a transcript at the end of the course - do we send that in somehow?

If you have room leftover in your activities section you can mention it there. I took a pretty cool hands on course at a T10 university so I included it in my activities section and mentioned the grade I received and what I did. You can also send the transcript to colleges you are applying to (or just do that if you don’t want to take up any space in activities.) You would have the summer college send directly so after the course is completed you would contact the registrars office to send it, but there will likely be a fee. I took a summer course and could pay a flat fee to send to as many places as I wanted.

My D is taking a college course at Syracuse this summer. Her counselor said to have them send it to the high school and it will be included on her overall transcript (and gpa.)

Assuming is is not for a dual enrollment course -

Your child will need to request the college transcript be sent directly to the colleges they are applying to. The college will have a way to do this electronically most likely. There is a fee.

There is a place in the common app to capture additional education related or other items. That is where they can include a college course that was not on the high school transcript as Dual Enrollment.

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While the education section may not provide sufficient space to include all the details of your summer college course, you can still mention it by listing the university, start and end dates, and indicating that you will receive a transcript. You can attach the transcript separately when submitting any supporting documents or additional materials required during the application process. This ensures that the important details of the course, such as the name, grade, and number of credits earned, are conveyed to the admissions committee.

My son took a class at our local community college, and it was totally separate from any of his high school stuff. We did some googling to figure out how to report it for his college app. Here’s what he did (seemed to work well).

  1. A couple weeks before he submitted his common app, he ordered the official CC transcript to be sent directly to all the schools where he was applying.

  2. There’s a section on the common app under “Writing” → “Additional Information” → “You may use the space below to provide any additional information you wish to share”. In that space, he kept it brief and said “I took a course at XX Community College Fall 2021. CSCI 101: Computer Science I. This course was 3 credits and I earned an A.”

  3. In the common app section “Education” → “Colleges and Universities” he was able to indicate that he took a course and list the dates. Since there was no spot to list any info about the course (name, credits, grade), that’s why he put the sentence in the additional info section.

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