Where To Put If Your Family Member Attended A Specific UC?

<p>Let’s say I want UCSB or UCI to know that my cousin, and my sibling attended or is currently attending at their school how will I let them know specifically? (Hopefully this will better my chances?)</p>

<p>There is no advantage to legacy status at the UCs. The following 14 items are considered in comprehensive review:</p>


Different campuses are free to decide how to weight the various items and how to determine acceptances (some use point systems while others use holistic review), but all use the same 14 items. Legacy status is not among the items.</p>

<p>If you want them to know about the cousin and sibling, enter it in the additional info section.</p>

<p>Be sure to check the scholarships selection page and select any that indicate that they will be awarded to students with alumni relationships.</p>

<p>Hello, thanks for your quick reply.</p>

<p>If I state it in the additional info section, wouldn’t ALL UC’s I applied to see it?
Say I only wanted UCI or UCSB to see: “My cousin is a faculty member of UCSB” and “My brother attends UCI” wouldn’t all the UC’s I apply to see this as well (Like UCR, UCD, etc?)</p>

<p>Yes, they would all see it - why would that be a problem? You could frame it in a brief statement saying that two of the many reasons you would like to attend a UC are the positive experiences your cousin, a faculty member at UCSB, and your cousin, a student at UCI, have had.</p>

<p>As mentioned above, it will not “boost” your chances in any way, so no need to spend time worrying about it or crafting an elaborate essay or a plan to hide the info from some campuses.</p>