<p>So, I spoke to an admissions official from Middlebury last month about my Pre-app and the supplement essay. He said that it was just fine to send the supplemental essay, and an arts supplement, by e-mail. </p>
<p>What I'm wondering is, is the regular admissions@midd etc., adress ok, or is there another one? Has anyone else submitted them online?</p>
<p>I just went and looked at it, and all regular decision materials are due on the 1st, except for the pre-app, which i already got in. Wow, for a minute there you really scared me. o_0</p>
<p>And I think I’ll fax them too. I hadn’t noticed that on their website before… hehe, I’m so absent-minded.</p>
<p>are you sure we can email?! i am desperately trying to fax, as im sure a million other people are which is probably the cause of the fact that i cant get through and im freaking out!!!</p>
<p>Mia… hopefully you didn’t use this website as your directive! I am thinking no admission’s office is going to be impressed with “a bunch of yahoo strangers on CC told me to do it.”
<p>Wait…we could email the supplemental essay? Seriously? I thought the two options were fax and snail mail. Of course, since I don’t have a fax machine, I did snail mail, which went out two days late due to snow and New Years. Grrrr.</p>
<p>I called them in the beginning of December and the guy distinctly told me that I could just send the supplement online. To their e-mail. I kept asking to make sure, because I’d read that you weren’t supposed to. He made it sound like it didn’t matter. But, just in case, I faxed it too.</p>
<p>I think I totally messed up! I sent my supplemental essay through the common app. The common app has that last section for an optional essay that you can attach, and I sent the essay that way. Do you think that was okay?</p>
<p>I thin you should contact them about it. It sounds like it’d be okay, but maybe telling them about it would be good… I sent online, and they emailed me the next day saying that it was fine… I dont think you have to worry.</p>