Where to study abroad?

Hi! I’m super interested in studying abroad next year, and trying to narrow down where I’d like to go. Right now, I’m looking at Belfast, Dublin, London, Edinburgh, or Melbourne. I really enjoy living in a city, and I like places with active social scenes. I’m also super excited about getting to travel while abroad, which is why I’m not sure about Melbourne, because with any of the places in the UK or Ireland, you can access the whole of Europe fairly easily. If anyone has studied abroad or visited these places before I’d love to hear an opinion!

Only English language places?

@alcibiade I’d love to go to non-english speaking countries, but I don’t have a lot of experience in any languages besides spanish, and all the schools I’ve found with classes similar to my major + minor are in english speaking countries!

Seriously, learning a language is as good as a graduate degree. Take the year to explore something more interesting than you can possibly imagine, more interesting than a major. That’s my advice. Go to Spain, I guarantee you won’t regret it.