Disclaimer: I had no idea which forum to put this in so sorry!
Here’s my story:
I come from a “competitive” neighborhood where there’s a lot of smart people who take calculus in seventh grade (please don’t chase after me on that). Anyways, I’m looking to take differential equations somewhere. The problem is that I do not have the prerequisites like Multivar. I have learned all the material (please don’t just say I haven’t “fully” learned the information) so I need to find a place that doesn’t really hold prerequisites as a must. My local community college according to my counselor removed the testing ability to skip math levels so I am kind of stuck. I’ve looked towards online math courses but I don’t know if they’re any good. I’m mostly looking for a course for enrichment since I haven’t seen great online resources for teaching it (and yes, I do know of MIT opencoursware, it has good info).
I need to learn differential equations since I’m competing in physics (also math) and knowledge of DE is beneficial in the long run.
I’d really appreciate it if you guys could offer any good online courses that don’t have “prerequisites”. One last question is how this would impact colleges reading my transcripts as I’m “officially” taking calculus next year.
Thank you for taking your time to read this, and your feedback is greatly welcomed!