Where to...

<p>Hello =]</p>

<p>Well, I'm absolutely sure I'm applying to Phillips Andover, but I'm not really sure where else to apply to- there's no overall ranking of boarding schools that I could find. Any suggestions as to good schools? Thank yous =]</p>

<p>that would be because rankings isn’t a good way to find schools. what are you looking for in a school? location, size, extracurriculars, coed, single sex, any good sport program in particular, do you need financial aid, do you want a formal dress code, saturday classes, etc… if you give us some more criteria, we’ll be able to suggest schools better.</p>

<p>Location: It doesn’t really matter, but I’d prefer somewhere around MA. I live in Virginia, but I used to live in MA so I’d rather have somewhere relatively close to either.
Size: Does not matter
ECs: Tennis, flute, photography… But those are pretty basic, aren’t they?
Dress Code: I’d rather have a casual one, but uniforms don’t really matter to me.
Saturday classes: Mmm, only twice a month max</p>

<p>Basically, I’m looking to apply for academically strong schools, those that have the best SATs average, etc…</p>

<p>Hope that helps =]</p>

<p>You might look at NMH. No formal dress code, no Saturday classes, but good solid academics.<br>
There are plenty of NMH’ers on here who could answer some questions about it.</p>

<p>Well I’d first go ahead and add Andover, St. Paul School, and Deerfield onto your list and then go from there in my opinion.</p>

<p>Thanks Linda S and picz! =]</p>

<p>Is NMH Northfield Mount Hermon? I’m not really sure, I typed it into google and it was the third or fourth entry. Andover is a definite for me, since its what got me interested into boarding school, and I can only have two other places to apply to. I’m going to go through a pile of brochures tonight, but those are only from the Ten Schools. So I’m thinking about St. Paul School and Deerfield, but then again, I want to apply to Milton and Exeter, too. Urghhh =[</p>

<p>I can’t help you with that decision, but I’d drop Milton if I were you unless you can go there as a day student.</p>

<p>mpicz, can you elaborate on why only “go to Milton as a day student”? </p>

<p>Milton is a school we like from paper/internet research because of their strong Chinese program. My son will enter 9th grade with 3 years of Chinese, so we are looking schools that offer advanced Chinese courses, not very many found. </p>

<p>I haven’t seen many talks about Milton here, don’t know why.</p>

<p>that’s because the best schools aren’t discussed well ):
sadly I rarely see deerfield/GROTON(!)/milton/etc schools on threads recently
actually, I only see exeter (no offense exeter lovers.)</p>

<p>There are numerous threads which compare schools if you search this site under “rankings”. You can also purchase (or find posted in prior threads) certain ranking information from: prepreview.com. (Cindysellcindy posted it on Oct 23.) There was a question about whether that site really is updating its information accurately; noetheless, it is one of the better sources of data.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>Before I joined CC, the only boarding schools I knew that were amazing were Milton, Andover, and Exeter, so that’s probably why I’m not too sure about Deerfield or Groton or any of the other schools. Mostly the schools that are talked about on CC are mainly Andover and Exeter, I think, so I don’t know as much about the rest.</p>

<p>Yes, NMH is Northfield Mount Hermon.
There are a few long threads here about it if you do a search.</p>

<p>If you want a safety school for yourself, I would suggest Loomis Chaffee. You should also look at Choate and St. Pauls.</p>

<p>I am going to advertise Kent yet again, because I think Kent is a school everybody should apply to (well I’m not, but only because I have a friend there & want to start in a ‘fresh’ school LOL)</p>

<p>KENT KENT KENT KENT. Please don’t mix it up with South Kent (I think that’s the name), it’s only Kent and it has a huge campus, yeah. Great academics, sports etc.</p>

<p>Milton was mobbed with applications/acceptances last year, due to the newly elected governor, Deval Patrick, having attended. Student sleeping in the gym etc. </p>

<p>Rumors of big behavior problems this year.</p>

<p>The school is 50% day; 50% boarding, and half the dorms are so far away that students lug monster backpack to the main campus and dump them on the floor of the student center. </p>

<p>Over all campus was dirty with furniture broken.</p>

<p>BUT BUT BUT - academics were awesome. Art, wood and metal for engineers/scienctist, Science competitions, advanced everything</p>

<p>The school is 50% day; 50% boarding</p>

<p>^ Just going to add to this; the acceptance rate that milton provides could be skewed. tons and tons of day students could apply and very few would get accepted due to a high yield rate, or tons and tons of day students could apply and almost all could get accepted, i wouldn’t really know. I would take Milton’s acceptance rate with a grain of salt (that is, unless they have specific data on their website)</p>

<p>Mmm, I’m looking into NMH, Kent, Deerfield, Milton, and CHoate for my third choice. (I don’t really get a safety school, since it’s only 3 I’m applying to.) I’m PROBABLY going to apply to Exeter as my second- I was reading the brochure and the Harkness method really interested me. I’ll probably cross Milton off the list if the dorms are as far away as you say (I know. I’m lazy.) And I want to get into a big school, as well, with preferbly a bigger percentage of boarding.</p>

<p>And where CAN you find a school’s acceptance rate? Does anyone know the percentages for Andover, Exeter, NMH, Kent, Deerfield, Choate, etc?</p>

<p>if you search posts they should come out (: but MY estimates from whatever little scraps of data I can recall are…</p>

<p>andover: 18%? I think, or 19
exeter: I’m pretty sure it was the same as andover
NMH went down this year, not quite sure. before this year it was around 40% though
kent: 50%ish, it should’ve gone down so I’m guessing 45.
deerfield: 16 or 18, it’s an unbelievable number
choate: around 24/22. :D</p>

<p>MY GUESSES, which means close to the real data but not the actual data. yes? :D</p>

<p>I would say kent’s acceptance rate is probably lower than that, but I know that many of the people that are accepted usually go to a different school.</p>

<p>You can find the real numbers from [Boarding</a> School Review - College-Prep & Jr. Boarding Schools](<a href=“http://www.boardingschoolreview.com%5DBoarding”>http://www.boardingschoolreview.com) . Or atleast what they believe are actual numbers.</p>