Which AP Calc exam to take?

<p>Hey, everyone. I'm new to this website, and I had a question. I'm not sure if it has been asked before or not, but here goes:
This fall I will be a junior in high school. Currently I'm taking pre-calculus over summer and next year I will be in AP calculus AB. Even if I took pre-calc last year, I'd still be in AB because that's the way my school's math levels are sorted out. My question is, if I teach myself calc BC in the same school year, should I take both AP exams for AB and BC, or just BC?
I'm sorry if this sounds a little confusing, I don't know how else to word it.</p>

<p>I’m doing the same thing, except I’m going to be a junior. I acted a fool when I was in 10th a.d didn’t get recommended for the summer pre calc course. Just see how you fare on the AB part of the course since you rushed through pre cal. And if you see that you’re pretty good at it, ask the teacher for some help or another student and get the teacher to let you take the BC part. </p>

<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC App</p>

<p>You aren’t allowed to take both Calculus Exams in one year.</p>

<p>whatdamcfudge: thank you, so far I think that’s what I’m aiming for. Math has always come pretty easily to me, so I hope I can handle the extra load (I’m already taking other AP classes, too).
LoseYourself: I didn’t know that, but I guess that means if I feel ready I’ll just jump right in and take BC. <em>fingers crossed</em></p>

<p>You would take the BC exam & then you’ll get an AB subscore for it.</p>

<p>Just as LoseYourself said, you can’t take both on the same day, because they are on the same day and same hour. But for the BC
part, there’s a subscore for AB. So I’m most likely taking BC. Hopefully i get a 3 at least, since everybody in my school got 2s for AB lol.
Sent from my Desire HD using CC App</p>

<p>I would take BC – schools are more lenient about credit, even if you didn’t do so well.</p>

<p>I’d definitely take the BC. It’s really easy to get a 3 or even a 4 overall by knowing only the AB material. I knew only a smidgen of BC and got a 5 overall.</p>

<p>Thank you, that really does give me some hope, haha. I’m trying to get into a prestigious college.</p>

<p>Take BC, because you get an AB subscore anyway. If you do poorly on BC, you can just not report it to colleges. They won’t suspect anything since you will be taking the AB class (you self-report on your apps).</p>

<p>By the way, I thought I did terribly on the BC AP and I ended up with a 5 BC score and a 5 AB subscore. I’m still trying to figure out how that happened lol.</p>

<p>AP scores don’t matter for admission, anyway, so you have nothing to lose.</p>

<p>smorgasbord, how come they don’t matter? I’m just curious, and I always thought they did.</p>