Okay, so my options concerning AP classes for my senior year have been narrowed down to the following:
AP Lit
AP Gov
AP Econ
AP Bio
AP Art History
AP Calculus AB
I can only take four of those at most. Any suggestions for what combination I should take?
I want to double major in marketing and psychology.
Of those classes, the 4 that will be most helpful for careers in marketing and psychology would be:
AP Bio: I’m also a future psych major and I found the chapters covering behavior biology and the brain/nervous system to be extremely helpful! Knowing how our body functions is essential to a psychology major and biology is really interesting anyway.
AP Econ: Marketing definitely deals with economics/business, so this is definitely a good class to take. If you can choose which Econ class to take, I recommend AP Microeconomics since it’s more individual-based and deals with firms and businesses/markets specifically, where AP Macroeconomics deals more with trade and GDP. Micro would probably be more beneficial to marketing.
AP Calc: This class is probably pretty difficult (I didn’t take it–stopped at Pre-Calc because I’m not a math person at all), but I’d assume having a solid foundation in calculus (or any kind of math) would be good for a marketing major. And since you like marketing, you’re probably pretty good at math anyway!
AP Lit: Being well-read is really important for any career, and both psychology and marketing deal with lots of paperwork/contracts/research, so learning to read and write well will help out a lot.
I guess you could substitute AP Gov for either Calc or Lit, because Gov might help with the business side of marketing, but that’s up to you! It’s whatever you feel most comfortable with. I highly recommend taking AP Bio and AP Econ though; those are hands down the most important ones to take for your major(s). If you haven’t taken AP Psych already, I’d consider that too for obvious reasons.
Good luck!