Which AP Physics course should I take?

I’m trying to decide if I should take AP Physics 1/2, or C. I have taken advanced (although purely algebraic) physics at a Grade 11 and 12 level, covering mostly mechanics, a little waves, kinematics, and a little electricity and circuits. I am currently taking a Calculus course covering mostly derivatives and some integration.

I am planning on perusing an Engineering Degree (Civil). What course would be best to prepare me for First Year Physics (and possibly beyond)? I am trying to keep my stress levels down in first year and I would like to get very familiar with the material before beginning.

Thanks in advance!

Based upon that comment alone, I’d say Physics C, particularly since you will have already had calc. All engineering students will need physics in college, and pretty much all college physics is calculus based. Algebra-based physics in college, which AP Physics 1/2 theoretically mimics, is generally taken by students targeting life science majors/pre-meds/non-STEM majors

If you are in Calculus, I would definitely take C. I think you are in the perfect position to take that class. I am in AP Physics 1, and we are doing everything that you covered in your previous physics courses