Which AP would be easier to self-study, Gov or USHIST?

<p>Which AP would be easier to self-study, Gov or USHIST?</p>

<p>Someone Please Respond Or I Will Die</p>

<p>maybe gov since its only a semester long course and its shorter than us</p>

<p>I would say that AP USH is harder.</p>

<p>Govt would be easier to self-study. i m taking it right now and it seems like an easier read</p>

<p>Government. I am taking APUSH in school and self-studying government because they are somewhat similar.</p>

<p>I am also doing US in school and both govts self study because I think gov will be easie, but 6.5% of Gov got 5's, while 9.8 got 5's in U.S.</p>

<p>APUSH is probably harder</p>

<p>Gov is definately easier. USH is a LOT of reading.</p>

<p>are we talkin about usgovt or comp govt?</p>

<p>Gov is harder to get a 4/5 statistically can the US exam. The mean score for Gov is also lower.</p>

<p>Goverment is easier</p>

<p>Government books tend to be around 600 pages while US History are around 1000 pages, because History is a two-semester class while Government is one semester. If you read the papers, have some political opinions, and common knowledge about the workings of the federal government then Government's material is very straight-forward. US History also has a lot of common knowledge (George Washington was the first president), but some areas (Reconstruction, Progressive Area, and the level of detail) require some thinking to remember and analyze.</p>

<p>Get American Government by James Q. Wilson, read it thoroughly, use some study aids, read over past tests and questions, buy a test prep book, and read the newspaper and you'll be fine. It might only take a month to be prepared with a little work.</p>

<p>I also agree, Government should be easier. There is ALOT of detail in US history, and you would need a full course not simply because you might not understand but because you will need the in-class time to learn and study it, unlike when you self study, I doubt you will be spending as much time learning it.</p>

<p>History is really easy for me.. I practically learned the entire curriculum for USH the week b4.. I would say its an easier test.. although I got 4's on both so w/ev :(</p>

<p>Thnx for all your input.</p>

<p>With some common sense, you can 5 the Gov test by only using the PR prep book. ^_^ I spent a year and a bajillion hours in class on APUSH, and 12 on gov, and scored the same.</p>