Which are the Best Dorms 4 Berkeley

<p>What meal plan is recommended?</p>

<p>pookdog: You live in Bowles or Foothill?</p>

<p>Are the campus cafeterias located near Bowles and Foothill?</p>

<p>And how is the dorm food there?</p>

<p>there is the foothill dc, that bowles, stern, and foothill shares. the running myth is that the place sucks (but thats true for all dc), sometimes, they just cant cook for anything..........but you could always go on a den run.................</p>

<p>yo yo pookdog, hows poli sci doing man......u understanding janos' heavy accent?</p>

<li>Take the smallest meal plan.</li>
<li>I live in Foothill La Loma.</li>
<li><p>Foothill has a DC in the Hillside section that serves Foothill, Stern, and Bowles, but it tastes like plastic. I usually go to another DC to eat.</p></li>
<li><p>Got an A on my Electoral College Essay, will find out about midterm results sometime this weekend.</p></li>

<p>damn that sucks, my gsi gave me a B, but then i went partying with him later, so he'll prolly give me an A for my midterm =P</p>

<p>Wow, I had no idea C Kerr was so isolated. Is there anything else around it for stimulation? Are people nice to each other there, a la community feel? That would be sweet...</p>