<p>Dykstra triple</p>
<p>I got Dykstra as well.</p>
<p>Hey, I got Rieber Terrace/Triple. It doesn't look like anyone else here has this so far. Do first years always get put together or do they sometimes get mixed with other years?</p>
<p>Sunset Village Triple.</p>
<p>de neve triple.</p>
<p>darn, i actually wanted one of the newer plazas with the shared baths, but yay for the awesome cafeteria!</p>
<p>Dykstra triple baby</p>
<p>rieber vista, triple.
i honestly hope there's gonna be a mass flood of first years in the plazas to compensate for these random housing assignments..</p>
<p>Rieber Vista is a plaza...</p>
<p>i know. i'm just saying that i hope there are more first years in rieber vista (i feel like i'm the only one) and the plazas in general..</p>
<p>Rieber Hall triple</p>
<p>sunset village triple</p>
<p>if i'm not mistaken...sunset is a group of buildings or something, right? so when do we find out which building in sunset we got?</p>
<p>De Neve - Triple!</p>
<p>hedrick hall - triple</p>
<p>HEDRICK HALL TRIPLE. hey, just as long as i get top bunk, i'll be okay. i hope my roommate doesn't snore?</p>
<p>why top bunk?</p>
<p>We find out room assignments on the 28th</p>
<p>I heard roommate/room assignments come out on the 14th, (next monday)</p>
<p>yea, that's what i heard too but the housing website says the 28th.</p>
<p>i don't see anything when i sign into the housing beta thing...</p>
<p>yet my initial payments been processed and all..</p>
<p>is this bad?</p>
<p>I don't see anything either. The only place I see notice of my payments is from logging into this site: <a href="https://i4w.ais.ucla.edu/ils/login.aspx?izAppID=edu.ucla.ha.secure2.prod&izTargetUrl=HousingPayments%5B/url%5D">https://i4w.ais.ucla.edu/ils/login.aspx?izAppID=edu.ucla.ha.secure2.prod&izTargetUrl=HousingPayments</a></p>