<p>Coolkid I understand what you are saying to a point.</p>
<p>I started off in College taking post-secondary classes. I finished with 50 hours before I even received my high school diploma. I am also right now taking my General Education courses at a VERY large Community college because for one they are online classes, and most importantly why would I want to go spend $250 a credit hour at Ohio State when I could spend $79 an hour for the same exact class and I don’t even have to spend any of my time sitting in a class?</p>
<p>It is funny to me how people always knock CC’s but I have never understood why. I am not one to party and be out every night, and even if I was I sure as hell would not want to pay another $10,000 just so I can be able to walk outside and party.</p>
<p>The reason people rack up all this debt is because of choices. I live about 15 miles from OSU. I have about 10 or 15 friends that lived in my same city and are taking classes at Ohio State while paying $10,000 for a dorm. I’m sorry, it maybe is not ideal to live with your parents for an extra year or two, but I’ll keep my $10,000 per year and save that so when I do move out ( I am moving out when I turn 20 in December) I can live in my own apartment with my own things (TV, couch, etc) and still pay less than someone living on campus.</p>
<p>My mom works over at Ohio State’s medical center so I have 50% off tuition automatically. I have saved up about $8,000 over the years and I have a good $10,000 from my parents. I consider myself lucky yes. I will most likely not be graduating with student loan debt and even if I did it would be under $5,000. So I could have done Journalism, but I realized if though I will have very little debt it doesn’t really matter because I would be making so little money with my career that it would offset.</p>
<p>Yeah, there are some people that may be fine with $30,000 or $40,000 a year with a college degree and I say good for them. For me if I chose a career where I would start out at say $25,000 and I would never even get the opportunity to sniff $50,000 I might kill myself.</p>
<p>I have busted my ass off to get my college money, I have great parents, and since I do live in the “upper middle class” I think I have adjusted to a certain way of living so much that I don’t think I could settle for anything less.</p>
<p>I don’t give a care what people say about CC or anything like that. You people here all know unless you are applying for an upper position (IB, Hedge Fund, etc) that the company cares more about your work experience then what classes you took your freshman and sophomore years.</p>
<p>Call me an ******* or whatever. I just know what I want and I am realistic about it as well, and I will not tolerate anything below what I have set up.</p>