Which calculators are allowed on the SAT?

<p>Some tests at my school don't allow graphing calcs. Are they allowed on the SAT? I have heard that the College Board considers graphing calcs "computers" and therefore they aren't allowed, but googling the subject doesn't shed any light.</p>

<p>Graphing calculators are allowed :d I don’t know how to operate them tho ._.</p>

<p>This was the first link that came when I googled “SAT calculator”
[SAT</a> Reasoning Test - Acceptable SAT Calculators](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/sat-reasoning/test-day/expect/calculators]SAT”>SAT Calculator Policy – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>Not only are graphing calculators allowed, but CAS like the TI-89 is allowed, which solves everything for you (basically).</p>