which class is easier for social science?

<p>What class would you guys suggest me to take ?
Critical Gender Studies
Ethnic Studies
Human Development
Political Science
Urban Studies and Planning</p>

<p>those aren't specific classes .... they're like departments or something</p>

<p>Yeah, those are just names of departments. Just take a look at the classes offered for winter quarter and read the evaluations for that professor, look them up on RateMyProfessors.com, and ask around. It really depends on your personal interests and strengths. Take what seems exciting to you, and look for evaluations above 80%!</p>

<p>is this for warren perspectives of social science? im tring to complete the same thing.</p>

<p>i took poli 12 this quarter its fairly straight forward. i heard poli 120 with victor magagna is great. i was told that magagna just has an A and an A- pile when he grades. LING4 seems pretty easy too.</p>