I am a current high school student in 10th grade. I will be in 11th grade next year and I am deciding between two different schedules one of them is harder and will push me and the other will be easier for me. Which schedule will be better for competitive college?
The harder schedule:
-AP English Language
-AP US History
-AP Psychology
-AP Chemistry/Biochemistry (2 credits)
-Honors Precalculus
-Spanish 3
The easier schedule:
-AP Microeconomics
-AP English Language
-AP US History
-AP Psychology
-Physics (general)
-Honors Precalculus
-Spanish 3
Not sure how changing AP Chem to General Physics but also adding AP Micro as an 8th course is really making things that much easier. I wouldn’t suggest taking an 8th course anyway.
Is Honors Physics available? If you’ve already had bio and chem, then for your last two years colleges will want to see at least some physics course, and hopefully an AP in bio, chem, or physics. So doing AP Chem and an Honors Physics (if available) in either order could be fine. You might want to do the AP Chem in 11th just because you’ll probably have at least 3 and maybe 4 non-science APs your senior year already.
At my school we normally have 8 classes. We have them every other day. That means I would have chem/biochem everyday because it is two credits. Honors physics is not available but I plan on taking AP Physics senior year. The regular Physics course at my school is extremely easy that why it’s the easier sheldule, I wouldn’t have much stress with that scheldule. I am ok at chemistry but the AP Chemistry teacher is extremely hard, that is why it is the harder scheldule. Thank you for the advice! I totally do plan to take physics and you are right I should take AP chem next year. I will wait to take physics senior year.