<p>Hey all! I was hoping to get some help on my schedule.</p>
<p>So for the fall semester, I know I'm going to be taking Bio 1a/l and physics 8a. I've heard how hard Bio 1a/l is and I have a really, really weak background in physics so I only plan to take one more class. I'm leaning towards majoring in public health so my choices of possible classes would be Econ C3, Psych 1, or Anthro 3ac.</p>
<p>Which class would be easier? I'm a slow reader so a lot of reading would be bad. Other than that, I think they're all on the same level of interest for me. Any advice would be appreciated.</p>
<p>im taking econ c3. take it with me. facebook me</p>
<p>So Econ c3 is the better class? haha. I just realized I could take psych 2 though. Isn’t that easier?</p>
<p>And, 88, are you also majoring in public health? bio 1a study group. lol.</p>
<p>? im looking to major in public health… and im taking bio 1a next semester lol. i think ur mistaking me for someone else o.O =P</p>
<p>umm yea psych 2 is good too. im taking it this semester. i think the graduate student instructor… is a lil tricky but doable. </p>
<p>look at whatever fulfills ur breadth .</p>
<p>haha, probably.
my mistake.</p>
<p>So what do you have to do for the class? What do you mean by “tricky”?</p>
<p>The thing is, econ is 4 units compared to psych which is 3. i need a 1 unit class if i take psych. hmm.</p>
<p>You have a schedule of all huge classes. It’s going to be very impersonal. You might try to find something a little smaller, a little off-the-beaten path to shake things up a bit. With you’re schedule, you’ll feel like a cog in a machine. Certainly a 1-unit freshman seminar would be a good idea.</p>
<p>one unit class?</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.decal.org%5B/url%5D”>www.decal.org</a>
[Freshman</a> & Sophomore Seminars at UC Berkeley](<a href=“http://fss.berkeley.edu/]Freshman”>http://fss.berkeley.edu/)</p>
<p>econ 3 is horrible</p>
<p>AFjkasjfl. I’m in Econ C3 right now. I hate the class and I’m not even doing badly in it.</p>
<p>Okay, clarification time, because I feel like I’m being unfair to Econ C3.
My friend took it fall 08, and said it was ridiculously easy. I got 5s in micro and macro, so I thought it’d be cake and a nice, novel look at econ from an environmental pov. </p>
<p>Blah. Different professors = vastly different experiences. The material isn’t inherently difficult and Perloff is a nice guy, but I feel like his questions are so awfully worded and some of his assumptions within said questions require a heavily Americentric viewpoint/background that puts certain students at a disadvantage. And did I mention badly worded questions and explanations? :c</p>
<p>I wanted to major in EEP until I took this class. I’ll be sticking with society & environment, kthx.</p>
<p>i got 1’s on both econ ap tests. i’m screwed. senior year was such a useless year for me</p>
<p>Physics 8A requires very little background. If you have a strong foundation in calculus, then you should do absolutely fine.</p>
<p>im in econ c3 right now too and eww. so boring. very hard too. ugh. and the worse part about it is that i had signed up for it hearing good things about it with the professor and the course and all. AND it was supposed to be the good professor. but instead somehow the professors were changed - so now prof perloff…uh. :(</p>
<p>what a huge mistake. im hoping to just pass the class. :/</p>
<p>how about econ c3… does that require background?</p>
<p>Requires no background… but seriously, the class is not good. I get unspeakably angry every time I’m in it. And there are these two girls, one probably European girl, and one Asian girl, that need to SHUT UP in lecture.</p>
<p>Maybe… dragongirl113 is one of those girls you’re referring too lol o_O</p>
<p>I doubt it… These two girls sit in the front row, interrupt the professor every five minutes, and generally spend the time a**-kissing.</p>
<p>Does the professor take role or something? the class size is pretty small.</p>
<p>Nah, he doesn’t. The room is usually pretty full during lectures, though.</p>