Which class should I drop as an incoming freshman trying to major in Health Science?

Hey! So right now I am registered for 5 classes for the fall semester. I just started in summer B, and I’m beginning to think that I might be better off doing 4 classes in fall rather than 5. I have a lot of credits coming in from high school, and my schedule for fall is as follows:
MDU4003- Intro to the Professions of Medicine (online)
MAC1147- Precalc Algebra and Trig
IUF1000- What is the Good Life
CHM1025- Intro to Chem (online)
BSC2010- Integrated Principles of Bio

If anyone has taken any of these courses, would you mind just giving me any pieces of advice that may be helpful? Which one should I maybe consider not taking my freshman fall semester?

How many credits does that add up to?
All in all, I’d recommend replacing introbto chemistry with either sociology or psychology (both counting toward premed requirements but less hardcore than chemistry).
Take chemistry w preferably in class with lab, in the spring, once you’ve found your bearings.
What’s your high school background in chemistry and biology?
What classes are you taking in Summer B?

This is a total of 15 credits. Intro to chem is 2, precalc is 4 and the rest are 3. I’m taking developmental psych for summer B now, and I took PSY2012 in high school (I also took Sociology as well) so I’ll be done with psych after this. I’m also taking Medical Terminology. From what I was told, I thought that intro to chem was only offered online. I took an intro to chem class already through dual enrollment but I’m retaking the credit so that I have a stronger background. As for bio, I took a high school level class but have no previous college credit for it.

It’s a “light” 15 credits, so I wouldn’t worry about it. If you can get into UF, you can handle MAC1147/CHM1025, and the other classes shouldn’t be a challenge. You have no labs (which can be a huge time sink), which also makes it a lot more doable.

If you do need to take MC1147/CHM1025, you need to get them both out of the way, ASAP, so you can take the next class in the sequence (Calc 1 and Chem2045); you need to take IUF1000 as a freshman, it may as well be this semester, and you do need to start the Bio sequence. UF online courses are not necessarily easier, but they are more convenient, which also makes it easier to handle 15 credits.

Later, when you’re taking much more rigorous and time consuming classes, like Organic Chemistry, Calc 2 or 3, and 1 or 2 labs, you’ll be able to get by with only 12 to 14 credits (thanks to the credits you’ve gotten while in HS). :slight_smile:

What was your grade for DE and was this what your advisor suggested? To me that seems like overkill to repeat that course (?).

You could gamble and drop Good Life . . . you would need that in the spring though. And then you’ve got other stuff to worry about.

I agree with the above comment that your course load is more ‘do-able’ thanks to having no labs.