Which class should I skip?

<p>Hi, I'm an incoming freshmen in the School of Pharmacy and am wondering which classes would be best to skip. (I can skip Development of the US I, Gen. Bio I and II, Priciples of Lit Study, Gen. Psych and Calc I.) Right now, I'm planning to skip Bio and wanted to know if I have to take a class in its place. If so, should take a Humanties/Soc. Sci. elective? What's a good class to take? Any thoughts or recommendations? Thanks.</p>

<p>skip bio, its a pain and the lab gets boring.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure that if you are an English Major, you're not allowed to skip Principles of Literary studies. </p>

<p>But beyond that, I didn't know there was an option to get advanced credit for the course. Are you sure you don't mean Expository writing?</p>

<p>I'm majoring in pharmacy and they require you to take expository writing no matter what even if you could place out of it ordinarily. I suppose Priciples of Lit Study is what they give you as credit instead.</p>