Which class should I take SL as a Junior in?


So I am looking into which class I can take as SL because I don’t need to take 4 HL classes, and I need to waive up in either English or French.

I am stuck on English or French.

The track for English is (starting from sophmore year):

AV > SL > SL

Right now I have a 90 in English 2 Advanced, is the difference between SL and HL monumental?

Track for French:

French 3 HN > French 4 HL/AP > French 5 HL/AP
French 3 AV > French 4 AV > French 5 SL

Notice how French 4 is not SL, its AV The same rule follows for Spanish and Chinese.

This is confusing, and it makes me nervous because French is my hardest class, I am managing an 83 in it, and I really don’t want to waive up in it.

Would I have to waive up to French 4 HL/AP and then drop into French 5 SL?

Any suggestions on which class I should waive up in?
Can I take French 4 AV and then French 5 SL and still do the IB program?


I didn’t understand your post completely, but still suggest taking French SL and English HL just because you are doing better in English than French.

Anyway for the second part I mean the ib program does not start in french for SL until French 5, so next year I would be takong advanced french not SL french, and it would only be SL until senior year. Is that allowed?