Which class

<p>I have to sign up for Chem 14C, Math 3C, Physics 6A. I was gonna sign up for Math 3C and Chem 14C first, but now I'm not sure...is physics going to fill up by my 2nd pass (on march 3rd or something)? My 1st pass is the 24th...</p>

<p>i think physics will fill up fastest. its out of series.</p>

<p>hmm…really? uh oh.
I heard physics gives PTE numbers more than Chem…do you know if that’s true?</p>

<p>I think quite the opposite… Hardinger (if he’s teaching 14c) usually lets everyone on waitlist in, whereas physics hardly gives out PTE numbers.</p>

<p>idk last quarter i was gonna do physics with bozovic but it filled up super fast.</p>

<p>Yeah I heard that huang isn’t a good teacher…and I mean honestly the only lecture i can take is w/ buchanan whereas I can take either lecture with hardinger. It’s just a matter of me getting in or not. I’m assuming the freshman will take BL next quarter and hold off on C till next fall…wishful thinking…</p>