Which Classes are more important?

<p>When thinking about my senior year schedule, a few classes are still hanging in the balance:
Here is what I have sent in for my schedule:</p>

<p>1) AP Chemistry
2) AP Calculus AB
3) AP US Government
4) AP Statistics
5) AP Environmental Science
6) Dual Enrollment English Lit.
7) Honors Computer Programming JAVA</p>

<p>»I've taken Spanish up to level 4. Would it be better to just go ahead and take AP spanish?</p>

<p>»I've taken AP English Language in 11th grade, so should I finish high school with AP English Literature?</p>

<p>»I wanted to take AP Biology to get a foot in the door for college along with AP Chemistry, but I didn't want to burn myself out with AP courses. Should I drop JAVA and take AP Biology that instead? (I intend on going into pre-dental in college.)</p>

<p>»So the classes that I'm not signed up for but not certain if I should take are: AP Spanish, AP English Literature, and AP Biology. What should I add/drop?</p>

<p>Feel free to answer one, two, three, or all four of these questions. Thanks in advance for responses!</p>