Which classes to sign up first

<p>Here is my desired schedule for now:</p>

<p>Math 16A
R&C 1A
Chem 1a
Psych 1 (maybe, depends on what R&C first i get)
Seminar class</p>

<p>Which should i sign up for first at CalSo for phase 1?????</p>

<p>I was thinking R&C 1A and Chem first but now im hearing they might run short of math classes. Sooo... should i just sign up for chem and math first then do r&c later? But i dont wanna end up getting a bad R&C course like rehtoric....i wanted asian or african studies. Not sure if they'll run out by phase 2. Any advice please?</p>

<p>I think R/C and Chem will make the best combo. From my experience, the math department tries to accommodate as many people as possible, so 16A should wait until phase 2.</p>

<p>what about me?</p>

<p>Chem 4a, math 1a, english r1a, chem c96 and anthro 3</p>


<p>any other opinions on what i should do?</p>

<p>always sign up for R&C classes first.They fill up fast since everybody has to take them sooner or later and they are only about 17 to 30 seats a class. Chem could wait for phase 2. Chem still has over 700 seats left, so they wont fill up too quickly. I advise you sign up for two R&C in phase 1. That is my 2 cents.</p>

<p>wait. its possible to sign up for two R&C courses? hmmm.</p>

<p>Scratch that last comment, I meant to sign up first for R&C. Not sign up for two classes.</p>