Which college has a really good program for Neurobiology/Nauroscience and Computer Sc

<p>I am currently a high school junior I plant to major in Neurobiology/ Nauroscience and Computer Science (maybe pre-med too) in college, which college has the best program for both? I know from US News rankings that Harvard has the top Neurobio program, and MIT has really good Neurobio too (not to mention Computer Science!!) But I want something deeper than rankings.....</p>

<p>Amherst College has a good neuroscience program.</p>

<p>Berkeley, UCSD, Harvard, Caltech, MIT, etc.</p>

<p>Oberlin and Amherst are two that are known for their solid neuroscience programs. If you provide your stats, CCers will be able to give suggestions tailored to where you’ll stand a good chance of being admitted.</p>