<p>Without checking the ranking, which of these two colleges sounds more prestigious? Or which college would you choose based on the sound/look of the name only?</p>
<p>a) Northeastern University
b) University of Massachusetts Boston (aka UMASS Boston)</p>
<p>I know this is random and silly and nor should I care but I'm curious nonetheless. I'm actually a transfer student at Northeastern University from UMASS Boston. My mom from CA has trouble remembering "Northeastern" and always mixes it up with "Northwestern" and "Southeastern". It gets a bit frustrating.</p>
<p>Without knowing anything about the schools, I’d say Northeastern gets a slight bump only because Northwestern is so well known. Otherwise, I would have to assume that UMASS Boston is the flagship school of the UMass system, though it obviously isn’t.</p>
<p>As somebody who lived in MA and never knew there was an actual Boston branch of the UMass system, I’m going to have to go with Northeastern as well.</p>
<p>A lot of people have an unconscious stigma that they place on schools with a “University of (insert city or state)” because it usually shows that it’s a state school, and I know a lot of people who automatically associate state school with a subpar education, which is pretty unfair.</p>
<p>A note about Northwestern (not Northeastern): </p>
<p>In Massachusetts, Northwestern has no name recognition. Its reputation is probably fantastic in the Midwest, but I can tell you that most people in MA have no clue what “Northwestern” is. </p>
<p>Northeastern sounds better. Besides, UMASS Boston is notoriously the worst UMASS. So one more point in the Northeastern column.</p>