Which college would you go?

<p>I am living in New York and planning on major in business. Here is a list of colleges that accepted me so far.</p>

<p>Michigan State University (admitted to Broad college of business)
Pennsylvania State University - Altoona (admitted to Smeal college of business)
SUNY University of Buffalo
Indiana University - Bloomington
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
SUNY Binghamton University</p>

<p>How would you rank them? </p>

<p>Any insights would be appreciated!! </p>


<p>Whichever one you like most. Seriously, having other people decide what college you're going to is kind of naive.</p>

<p>Arti, perhaps others can offer insights into the programs each college has that best suits the OP, but that the OP might not be aware of</p>