Which colleges do not allow you superscore the SAT?

<p>I'm in the class of 2010 and I am VERY happy that most schools are now allowing students to superscore the SAT. But I just found out some schools are still not allowing us to superscore? Which schools are NOT allowing you to superscore?</p>

<p>Give us a list a maybe we can tell you which from there don’t.</p>

<p>OK, here’s a few:</p>

<p>Middlebury College
Amherst College
Williams College
Bucknell University
Wake Forest
UNC Chapel Hill
Penn State University Park
University of Pennsylvania
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Michigan
University of Maryland College Park
University of Vermont
Boston College
Bentley College
Colorado College
Columbia University
Clemson University
Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>The only ones I know are the UCs. You should NOT hide anything from them. If they find out, they can take back an invitation for admission and even stop your graduation (from their institution) if it comes out Senior year.</p>

<p>usc DOES superscore, contrary to joewii’s list</p>

<p>My list are schools I don’t know whether they superscore or not. If you know the ones that do and don’t (starting next year) please post here. Thank you.</p>

<p>At this point, one should not assume that all colleges that superscore now will continue to do so next year. The College Board’s change to permit you to choose what scores to send might cause some to stop superscoring.</p>

<p>As to the above list, I am not certain about them all but based memory that might not be completely accurate I believe all the public universities listed do not superscore except for Colo and Virg which do, and the private universities listed do except Wake Forest does not anymore because it no longer requires tests for admission and I am not sure about Middlebury because you now have the option of just submitting three SAT II scores for admission and, if you do, you need no SAT.</p>

<p><a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.co…tices-list.pdf%5B/url%5D”>http://professionals.collegeboard.co…tices-list.pdf</a></p>