Which colleges should I apply to?

<p>I don't want to go through all my stats, so I'll just say that I'm aiming for schools like U of Chicago, Stanford, McGill and maybe some Ivies.
I want to double major in Russian and linguistics. I looked into Middlebury since they were purportedly the best language school, but unfortunately they don't have a linguistics program, so that option is out. What are some universities with strong programs in both Russian and linguistics, and can facilitate a double major in them? I was considering U of Indiana - Bloomington and U of Washington since they seem to be two of the very few schools to offer Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees in Russian. Are these good choices?</p>

<p>What is your career goal?</p>

<p>I would love to be a professor/researcher, translator/interpreter or official for a government/intelligence organization.</p>

<p>Georgetown, Northwestern, Michigan and Dukeā€¦</p>