<p>Hi, I am an international student living in Korea; I attend an english-speaking school. Right now I am a junior in high school. My ethnicity is in fact Korean.</p>
<p>3.1 GPA (Probably at least first half in class ranking)
SAT: 720 Verbal 690 Math 730 Writing
SAT II: US History - 650, Math II-C - 700 (weird how this score is higher, I know)</p>
<p>AP Courses: AP US History - 4, AP European History - 3
AP taking next year: AP Language & Composition, AP Psychology </p>
<p>Extra-Curricular Activities
Junior Varsity Basketball - 3 years (Captain, Tournament All-Star)
Varsity Basketball - 1 year (will do in senior)
Men's Choir - 4 years (will take in senior)
Habitat for Humanity - 2 years
Community Service (Teaching) - 4 years (will do in senior)
KAIAC Music Festival - 3 years</p>
<p>Work Experience - Tutoring (teaching english) for 2 months, and an additional 3 months of work coming this summer.</p>
<p>I'd like to major in business, specifically marketing. I know my grades aren't that great, but I think my SAT scores are alright. My extra-curricular activities are so-so I guess.</p>
<p>I'm really thinking about applying to Babson College, yet I'm afraid I am not qualified. I'm planning on doing Early Decision there.</p>
<p>Am I qualified for Babson, and will I most likely be accepted or rejected? If not applicable, which other colleges should I look into?</p>