Which Colleges/Universities do not have kitchens?

I agree with DigitalDad that looking for schools where you don’t have to live in a dorm may offer you the most flexibility so you are guaranteed to have your own kitchen (with full sized fridge/freezer).

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If this is the case, the OP should get good documentation and get the disability office at the college (s) involved. It’s possible the student could be assigned to a dorm that has cooking facilities.


Yes. For students who have selective eating to the level of ARFID (Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder -sensory subtype) a doctor’s note can specify the accommodations such as access to a freezer and oven, and exemption from the meal plan if warranted. The ICD-10 code is F50.82.


Pointless comment deleted. A thoughtful response was also deleted, but sadly was in response to the pointless post


La Salle University does (at least in my dorm they did)

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