<p>I plan on transferring from CCC as BizEcon major, and I began to look at some mathematics program at UCLA, and I came across a few interesting combinations:</p>
<p>1.) Major in Mathematics/Economics (Interdepartmental Major) while minor in Accounting
2.) Double major Business Economics and Mathematics
3.) Double major Business Economics and Mathematics/Applied Science with Management and Accounting Plan
4.) Take it is and major in BizEcon while minoring Accounting</p>
<p>Also, are all of the above combinations do-able within 3 years (with Mathematics 31A & Mathematics 31B and Economics 1 & Economics 2 already complete)?</p>
<p>god I honestly wish I get rejected from one of Berkeley or UCLA cuz both seem to have such wonderful programs with econ and math and I'd hate to choose one between the two.</p>