I’m applying to be a running start student next fall and I’m choosing between Cascadia College and Edmonds Community College. I’ve heard enrolling in Cascadia will give me a better chance of getting into UW Seattle?? But the school is small compared to Edcc, so classes there are limited and scheduling for them can be hard. Is it worth it to go to Cascadia rather than Edcc? Or does it not make a difference?
It doesn’t really matter, whatever offers you the best classes to prepare you for your major. Edmonds has some classes that Cascadia doesn’t offer, vice versa. I know people who got accepted to UWS who went to Cascadia and Edmonds. At the end of the day its your grades…
Pay attention to commute times, both between home and community college and your high school and community college.
If you know your major, look at the number of sections of courses for the premajor program of your choice.