Which Cornell school should I apply to?

@ASJU9511 I would read your essay, but I do not want to give you any false advice/hope. My best advice is to have a trusted teacher read over and help edit it. If you want to though, I would be glad to read your essay.

@SJJunior Thanks anyway! I understand as a college student that you’re schedule is swamped. But do you mind telling me what classes that you’ve taken so far that you enjoy the most though?

@ASJU9511 Thank you for understanding! Finals are coming up, so it’s been a lot of studying! The two classes that I’m enjoying the most are my Intro to U.S. Labor History class and Intro to Microeconomics. My labor history professor is honestly one of the nicest people in the world. She is extremely helpful, and our readings are very interesting. We read a book on restaurant workers, and I absolutely loved it. My micro class is hard, but it’s interesting. I think my professor might be retiring though.