Which CSU to choose?

<p>here's the CSU's i got accepted to, but confused which one to choose.
i know SDSU, LB, SOnoma, and Fullerton are considered to be impacted, but thats mean they are considered to be some of the better CSU's?</p>

Long Beach
San Bernardino

<p>sdsu, fullerton, lb and northridge are the best</p>

<p>Have you visited any of them?</p>

<p>what is the difference between UC and CSU?</p>

<p>UC= University of California
CSU= California State University</p>

<p>What are you interested in majoring? I know for a fact that Cal State Fullerton is really great at preparing you to become a teacher if you are interested in going into education. LB is known for business. I am not too sure about the other CSUs.</p>

<p>are these rankings for CSU's right, i remember reading an article about it
also i plan to major in history/social sciences, so possibly go into teaching</p>

<p>Regional West Univ<br>
Long Beach
Pomona/Chico tied
Sonoma/Fullerton tied

<p>I believe SDSU was ranked among the 4th Tier Nat'l Univ</p>

<p>but why are some called CSU and some UC, i don't get it, is it like 2 systems in california</p>

<p>Yeah, CSU's are more regional - kind of inbetween the community colleges and the UCs</p>

<p>all the ones i listed ar known for business, especially sdsu, it actually has recruits from national fund companies and fortune 500's. Otherwise, i have no clue about the majors</p>

<p>UC = research
CSU = practical degree</p>

<p>nothing against some of the people on this board, but at times it seems like CSu schools are looked down up on on here...sure its not as good as UC''s, but i dont agree that CSU's are just slightly better than CC's...people might choose a CSU for various reasons...maybe to be closer to home, money since its not as expensive as a UC</p>

<p>they are great regional schools</p>

<p>How can you even compare a CC with a CSU. Remember that CSUs are 4 year universities, whereas CC students are most likely EXPECTED to transfer. So again how can you even compare the two?</p>

<p>I hope it didn't seem like I was comparing them. I just meant that they are more prestigious than CCs but less than UCs.</p>

<p>by using the word "more", you are inherently making a comparison.</p>

<p>Educationally, there's not as great a disparity between the UC and CSU. But as far as prestige, there's a vast difference. I have a BA from UCLA and a Master's from CSUN, so I'm not biased -- just being honest. If you get into a CSU, especially Northridge or Fullerton, you'll have a much better education than kids in most colleges in the country. CSU is way above a CC. Now, you may want to transfer to a UC after a year of two just so you have the more "valuable" degree. Especially, if you want to go to grad school, a UC degree will really help. But if you end up graduating from CSUN you can still go off and do great things with a great education.</p>

<p>For what it is worth, my San Jose State undgrad education didn't keep me from being accepted at both Harvard and Stanford business schools and my friends from the top graduate and professional schools of their respective choices. The prestiege problem is one we have created ourselves more within California than outside. The old saw about your education being what YOU make of it is true. The CSU's could use an image makeover, but the education you can receive there is fine.</p>

One thing I forgot to mention is check into how many years it takes for a typical undergraduate to graduate. I know that CSUN has had problems with too many students for too few required classes, so it was very difficult if not impossible to graduate in just four years. I don't know if that problem has been addressed -- but it's something you'd want to look into.</p>