Which degree for actuarial science?

<p>Hey everyone, I’m a UA sophomore majoring in mathematics, and right now, I’m planning on pursuing a career as an actuary. I’m also in the STEM program and am considering doing University Scholars for applied statistics on the actuarial track. I was wondering which degree would be more beneficial to me, the MBA or the master’s in applied stats, considering I don’t know if I’m able to or even want to do both. Thanks!</p>

<p>MBA would be better, assuming you will have passed some actuarial exams. The exams are more important than any graduate degree.</p>

<p>Just wondering also because the MBA will take an extra year, while I can get the master’s in applied stats by the time I graduate from undergrad in a couple of years.</p>

<p>How attractive is an MBA to most employers if it’s earned in tandem with a bachelor’s degree? </p>

<p>I would imagine it varies depending upon the field, but over in the engineering forums they seem to really pooh-pooh earning an MBA before having several years of real work under your belt, that it suggests you have no interest in being a working engineer and are just looking to climb the management ladder. I wonder if there are similar concerns for actuaries?</p>



<p>then it sounds like that would be the less-expensive, but just-as-good option.</p>

<p>@MuffinMan17‌ </p>

<p>Yes, through STEM, the MBA would be completely free, which is why I’m even considering it. If I had to pay for it, I would not be doing it. I thought that it would be worth getting a free MBA in one year rather than getting work experience first, then having to pay for an MBA that would take longer to get.</p>

<p>MuffinMan, my daughter just PMed you with some information.</p>

<p>You can find an employer to pay for an MBA or pay for it on your own when you have a few years of professional work experience. Earning an MBA then will very likely be more valuable than earning in at the same time as your bachelor’s degree. </p>

<p>As other posters have mentioned, it’s the actuarial exams which are the most important qualification when becoming an actuary.</p>