<p>E or M??</p>
<p>E, thats why it has a harsher curve and a tougher percentile…</p>
<p>Preference. M was waaaaaayyyyy easier for me than E. 800 M, phailed E beyond belief.</p>
<p>E is easier according to me o_o
I started thinking that I would do M, but I ended up changing my test to E after I saw that E was easier! :P</p>
<p>E is supposedly easier…most people say a lot more common sense.
But Bio nerds (like me) usually like memorizing the whole AP book–so we go with M.
I think my whole AP Bio class did M, even though the teacher suggested E.</p>
<p>most people i know did E and consider it easier because it’s much more common sense, i consider M easier, because my bio teacher taught so much molecular and like no ecology</p>
<p>depends what you would rather study</p>
<p>I prefer M- it’s more straightforward with right-or-wrong answers than E.</p>
<p>I think it depends on what you’ve covered in your biology class. I didn’t cover any of the E in my class so I took M and got a 780. But most people say E is the easier of the two…</p>