Which dorm to choose?

<p>Hi! My friend and I are incoming freshman students of University of Arizona. We’ve decided to room together. However, we’ve had difficulty choosing a dorm. Can any alumni/current students tell us how the dorms are? I know there’s been dorm reviews here before but they are a bit outdated. We’re leaning towards Tier 2 and below. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much!</p>

<p>Upon further research, we’ve heard that the dorms in Highland Ave. are really nice. I was wondering if which one’s worth the buck?</p>

<p>The only bad thing about the highland dorms are that they are far away, especially Arbol.</p>

<p>In truth Arbol is not really on Highland, all the dorms on Highland are relatively new and very pleasant, I think you will like Cienega, San Pedro or Del Puente, all three are largely the same, with just a few differences, across the street La Paz and Santa Cruz are older and not quite as nice as the first 3. You are also really close to the Rec centre with these dorms on Highland</p>

<p>Is Likins Hall full? How filled up it is??? What about Arbol and Coronado?</p>

<p>I doubt any hall is full right now</p>

<p>I retract that last statement, linkins is full. Most likely because its the athletics dorm.</p>

<p>Arbol is not on Highland Avenue & many residents feel a bit disconnected as they are of great distance from Highland Ave. You really can’t go wrong as long as you’re in a dorm on Highland Avenue. You are near the fabulous Rec Center & close to the stadium, & of course Highland Market. (great burritos ~ yum) Being on Highland Avenue is where you want to be!</p>

<p>Hey guys, what about Navajo and Hopi? Are those full? >____<</p>

<p>I live in Arbol right now and I like it. It is really far away though, but we have our own gyms inside, so its like an apartment complex. Highland dorms are nice but that’s where its really busy all the time. </p>

<p>Does anybody know the deadline to apply? I’m transferring from California Community College.</p>